Almost a year blogging hiatus. I just don't find the time to write sophisticated blog posts on things that are interesting enough. The last year has been pretty busy and there are several manuscripts under review, in preparation or whatever. As soon as some stuff is finally published, I will share some potentially intersting results here. For the time being, take a look at some photographs that I took on the field season last year.
In August 2010, I spent four weeks in the western U.S. to get more data on Early Triassic ecosystems from western Pangaea. It's, of course, not purely geologic. Fieldwork is always an experience. Enjoy the shots!
The camp in the Confusion Range. The bright spots are ant nests.

Sunset at the Utah/Nevada-border.

A Great Basin Collared Lizard (
Crotaphytus insularis)
seen near Notch Peak, House Range.

Notch Peak, Sawtooth Mountain, House Range, Utah.

A pissed-off Western Black Widow
Latrodectus hesperus) in my bowl.

The Meekoceras-Inn fighting with the wind.

A rotten Pick-Up-Truck in middle of Tule Valley.
Cambrian rocks of the House Range in the background

Death Canyon, House Range Utah.

Death Canyon, House Range Utah.

Fossil hunting in the Wheeler Shale, House Range, Utah.

A nice evening in the House Range.

Ruins near Santa Clara, Utah.

Shales of the Virgin Formation (some people consider it as a Member).

In the desert west of St. George having a view on
outcrops of the Moenkopi and the Chinle Group.

Me, finding some cool traces.

A dead Desert Horned Lizard (
Phrynosoma platyrhinos).

These are the guys I am looking for. I prepare the plates
for later publications directly in the field, haha.

Double rainbow.

Bivalve resting traces
Lockeia, Dinwoody Formation, Montana.

Although fully overgrown, these are textbook-like triangular fault
facets and an
alluvial fan in between. This seems to be a very
prominent example. It pops out of the internet here and there.
Tendoy Range, near Lima, Montana.
Eumorphotis (left) and
Claraia (right), Dinwoody Formation.
Probably the most common bivalves of the Early Triassic.

Hidden Pasture. What a place! Tendoy Range, Montana.

The Dinwoody Formation at Hidden Pasture.

Somewhere in the southern Tendoy Range, Montana.

My car.

Cattle eating gras near Lima, Montana.

Reminded me on " Little House on the Prairie", Ovid, Idaho.